Tuesday 16 September 2014

Rosaceae family

This week we learned about the Rosaceae family.

The plants we covered were: Rubus idaeus (Raspberry), Cotoneaster horizontals ( rockspray cotoneaster), Prunus laurocerasus (English laurel), Spiraea japonica 'Goldflame', Malus x domestica (apple), Fragaria x ananassa (garden strawberry), Rosa rugosa (Hansa rose), Prunus 'Kwanzan' (Kwanzan cherry)

The Rubus ideaus has odd-pinnately compound leaves with an alternate arrangement. I would say it has a medium plant texture and pinnately veined and palmately loved leaves. The leaves have a rugose texture, acuminate tip and an oblique attachment. The flower is a 5 petal rotate  and the fruit is aggregate.

The Cotoneaster horizontalis has odd-pinnately compound leaves with and alternate arrangement. The leaf shape is obviate with an obtuse tip, cuneate base and a truncate attachment. The margin is entire and it is s broad leaf evergreen. The Inflorescence is raceme and the flowers are a 5 petal rotate. The fruit is a pome.









Fragaria x ananassa grows as ground cover and has trifoliate compound leaves that are obvuate shaped and pinnately veined. The flowers are 5 pedal white rotate with many pistols that will turn into the seeds on the multiple fruit.

Rosa rugosa has 5 petal pink flowers with many stamens and pistils and alternating sepals. The flowers can be single or doubles and there are many tightly packed spines on the stems. The leaves are odd pinnately compound leaves have a strong venation. There is an inferior ovary that turns into the rosehip, an aggregate fruit that is very high in vitamin C.

The Spireae japonica 'Goldflame' is a deciduous shrub. The alternately arranged, lanceolate shaped leaves have pinnate venation. The plant is mounded, twiggy, drought resistant and easy to care for.

The  Prunus laurocerasus is a broad leaf evergreen with simple serrately margined leaves. The Inflorescence is s raceme and the 5 white petal rotate flowers turn into a dupe fruit.

Malus x domestica has simple obuvate leaves with an acute tip, an obtuse base and serrulate margin   and 5 petal flowers that turn into the pome fruit.

The Prunus 'Kwanzan' has strongly pinnately veined leaves with an acuminate tip with a pectinate margin. The 45 degree angle branching is done through grafting.


  1. This is intense... were we supposed to do a blog about rosaceae that I didnt remember to do!?!?! or did you just do this for fun? I suck at school. :(

  2. Haha no not required I was trying to drill things into my Brain!!
